Want to get in touch?

If you’re a student with feedback about the course then take your pick from the course reps below - they’re friendly and here to represent you.

For queries regarding job postings, CSS events or anything else, send an e-mail to the most relevant CSS committee member. We’ll all be happy to help.

Course directors, tutors and other key staff contacts can be found here.

Perhaps you’re looking for a previous committee member?

CSS Committee 2023-24

Picture of Moksh Patel
Moksh Patel President
United Kingdom
University of Bristol Computer Science Society
Picture of Shayaan Ahmed
Shayaan Ahmed Vice-President
United Kingdom
University of Bristol Computer Science Society
Picture of Vinh Bui
Vinh Bui Secretary
United Kingdom
University of Bristol Computer Science Society
Picture of Yogadhveep Arora
Yogadhveep Arora Treasurer
United Kingdom
University of Bristol Computer Science Society
Picture of Amin Donald
Amin Donald Webmaster
United Kingdom
University of Bristol Computer Science Society
Picture of Amica Baxter
Amica Baxter Outreach
United Kingdom
University of Bristol Computer Science Society
Picture of Lamb Chen
Lamb Chen Technical Events
United Kingdom
University of Bristol Computer Science Society
Picture of Dhillon Thurairatnam
Dhillon Thurairatnam Press Officer
United Kingdom
University of Bristol Computer Science Society
Picture of Peter Galati
Peter Galati Press Officer
United Kingdom
University of Bristol Computer Science Society
Picture of Sankarsh Makam
Sankarsh Makam Talks Officer
United Kingdom
University of Bristol Computer Science Society
Picture of Nic Harrod
Nic Harrod Sports and Socials
United Kingdom
University of Bristol Computer Science Society
Picture of Afnan Amanulla
Afnan Amanulla Equality and Diversity
United Kingdom
University of Bristol Computer Science Society
Picture of Salman Khan
Salman Khan General Officer
United Kingdom
University of Bristol Computer Science Society

Course Reps

A list of your course reps can be found on the SU webpage (Requires SSO login)

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