Introduction to iOS development

To celebrate the opening of the new Hackspace we’re running some workshops so that everyone can start getting their hands dirty learning new skills.

Ever wanted to try iOS Dev? How about Augmented Reality or Machine Learning?? Jay Lees has put together some great tutorials for us - come along, grab some pizza and learn something awesome. If you would like to code along then you’ll need a Mac with Xcode installed, else you can still come along just to get a feel for it.

Jay plans to cover the following on Monday 20th, with potential to start the next section on the 24th, so save that date too!

  1. Introduction to iOS Development
    • Xcode
    • Introduction to the Swift Language
    • Introduction to UI Elements (UITableView, UICollectionView, UIStackView, UIScrollView, UIViewController)
    • Developing a simple application
    • Auto layout
  2. Introduction to Augmented Reality for iOS
    • ARKit
  3. Introduction to Machine Learning for iOS
    • CoreML

The talk will be in MVB 1.11A from 1-2pm

The Details


13:00 - 14:00

MVB 1.11A


Join the Facebook event!

Hosted with:

  • Jay Lees

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