AGM 2018

It’s that time of year again! Come to the CSS AGM for free pizza and a free vote.

We’ll be electing twelve new committee members. You can nominate yourself for multiple positions, and elections will happen in this order:

  • President
  • Vice-President
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • Events
  • Press
  • Webmaster
  • Sports and Social
  • Outreach
  • Equality and Diversity
  • General Officers (x2)

You will have a chance to speak for 60s (once, regardless of how many positions you apply for) during the AGM.

If you’re abroad this year or can’t attend the AGM - don’t worry! You can still apply. We recommend recording a short video of yourself speaking so that we can play it at the AGM. If you like, we can read out a written statement instead.

Could you see yourself at the helm of our next Hackathon or Bar Crawl? Being a committee member is a great way to gain experience running events, dealing with industrial sponsors and communications. And to boot - it’s a whole lot of fun!

Have questions about what it’s like to be a CSS committee member? Ask any of us!

Apply for a position!

Want to make a change to how the society runs? Put forward a motion to change our constitution. Constitutional changes must receive a two-thirds majority. Non-constitutional motions must receive a majority.

Submit a motion!

The Details


17:15 - 18:45

MVB 1.11/1.11(A)


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