CSS AGM 2019

CSS AGM 2019

CSS’ AGM is upon us once again! Join us in MVB 1.11(A) at 17:00, Friday 3rd May to vote on motions and committee nominees.

If you’re abroad this year or can’t attend the AGM - don’t worry! You can still nominate yourself/submit a motion. We recommend recording a short video of yourself speaking so that we can play it at the AGM. If you like, we can read out a written statement instead.

(Nominations for First-Year Rep and Post-Grad Rep will be occur after the start of the next university year)

Free pizza 🍕, falafel 🧆, and cider/beer 🍺 as per usual x


Nominate yourself for a role!

Could you see yourself at the helm of our next Hackathon or Bar Crawl? Being a committee member is a great way to gain experience running events, dealing with industrial sponsors and communications. And to boot - it’s a whole lot of fun!

You will have a chance to speak for 60s (once, regardless of how many positions you apply for) during the AGM.

Here’s a taste of what each role does:


  • responsible for the society overall
  • sets the overall direction of the society
  • organises meetings
  • manages other committee members


  • helps out the President with the above tasks
  • responsible for talking to companies and organising sponsorship


  • controls and tracks spending
  • makes big purchases/deals with invoices
  • ensures we're following SU rules and the law


  • records minutes in meetings
  • deals with the SU
  • keeps our Drive organised

Sports and Social

  • organises CSS sport teams
  • organises social events (i.e. pub trips)
  • organises MVBall


  • represents CSS in outreach activities
  • manages social media accounts


  • organises the CSS event calendar
  • helps organise and run technical events


  • keps the CSS website updated
  • manages logins and useful tools
  • ensures we store personal data securely


  • designs graphics
  • manages the newsletter
  • puts up posters

Equality and Diversity

  • responsible for wellbeing
  • ensures we are inclusive of all groups
  • organises events with and assists other societies


  • helps out wherever needed
  • pizza/falafel runner
  • jack of all trades


Submit a motion!

Want to make a change to how the society runs? Put forward a motion to change our constitution (https://cssbristol.co.uk/constitution).

Constitutional changes must receive a two-thirds majority. Non-constitutional motions must receive a majority.

The Details


17:00 - 20:00

MVB 1.11/1.11(A)


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